
Imagine by Sammy Slabbinck


Higgledy-Piggledy Sleepwalking

I am allusion, illusion, a figment of beautiful:
yesterday’s forty-ninth parallel, the anniversary
march of one thousand predestined millenniums yet to be.
I am the distance between a lone point and a counterpoint:
righteous red dissidence. When dark, I am the cosmic weight of
an imploding black star and the buoyancy of nothing, the
separation immeasurable, its equivalency:
the gravity of silence — heavier than Uranium,
the element of unfounded intention that eludes the
square seventh face of a cube and the fourth primary color.


Copyright © 2018 Mia Pharaoh. All rights reserved.


109 thoughts on “Benzodiazepines

        1. Kenneth Anger and I share the same home town, and Marjorie “keep the drinks coming” Cameron along with her Moon Children, “The Children”, is truly out of my league, weird beyond looking back. And why am I thinking Deren, whom I adore because of her personal loathing of Hollywood (my hero) was much more into Haitian Vodou, maybe frightening stuff. I know, Mr. Cake, I take it as a compliment. This is truly an interesting assortment of people, are they people?

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Deren book on Vodou is excellent, scholarly yet beautifully written. Avant garde circles back then were fascinated by Vodou for its Dionysian elements. Agreed they were so weird and so larger than life it hard imagining them going to the supermarket to pick up some groceries.

            Liked by 2 people

          2. Well they would have to bring Anais Nin with that birdcage of course, then Deren would bring along a Vodou houngan while Crowley would be talking to Hubbard about the best way to run a long grift and Parsons and Cameron wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off each other. Man Ray would photograph it and Duchamp would say about either Deren or Cameron or Nin…LHOOQ

            Liked by 2 people

          3. I can actually imagine it…I have actually posted inauguration of the pleasure dome here somewhere….I am particularly mental this week… as my posts show… going all deep and philosophical then a mini neo noir with a psychic detective then the vowel poems…hold me back Miss Cranes

            Liked by 1 person

          4. Well Leary said at one point he was just finishing what Crowley started…at one point I think he tried to recreate one of Crowley’s expedition with Victor Neuberg (who discovered Dylan Thomas) on which Crowley said he was the reincarnation of Edward Kelley, the medium to John Dee.


          5. Yeah Crowley was creepy…hardly anyone was the better for meeting him…strangely enough Henry Green’s brother was close with Crowley, even became his literary executor and was one of the few people who didn’t come to harm. Still I do love the do what you will bit, though he got that from Rabelais


          6. Henry Green’s brother was Gerald Yorke, was immensely popular and successful at Eton, he played cricket for Gloucester but dropped out and did the hippy trail a good half century before the hippies. He fell under Crowley’s spell but didn’t suffer any psychic damage. He become an army major, married and had two daughters. He did spend two months a year in a cave in Wales. When Henry’s alcoholism got worse he took over the business for a short while, caretaker until Henry’s son took over. He become the emissary of His Holiness the Dalia Lama to Great Britain and edited occult books for Routledge. Fascinating character is his own right.


          7. He was wealthy and charismatic himself…I don’t think he could become the emissary to the Dalai Lama back in the day if his character was suspect…Henry idolises him as a schoolboy

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          8. He was…he was always kind to Henry, who wasn’t the easiest character. Henry had an affair with one of Dylan Thomas’s girlfriends, and Thomas was discovered by one of Crowley’s circle… wheels within wheels.

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          1. I am both relieved and disappointed… relieved that I am not some cracked actor who totally just reads into things what I want too… disappointed by the fact that I haven’t reached the giddy heights of say a Philip K Dick or William Burroughs in believing the most bonkers paranoid shit that other people hadn’t thought of

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          2. Really I need very little help with the paranoia…I won’t even get Alexa in the house… I have read by Ray Bradbury and J G Ballard and I know what happens when a house starts controlling itself… it’s not good


  1. You always lay out so much for dissection. Flowers and compliments would do this piece a disservice, so I will just read it again. And again.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am out of my element with this one! Obviously, via Mr Cake’s comment there is underlying symbolism here. Still, even without quite understanding I can appreciate your wordsmithing! 💗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Meg, thank you! This piece is surreal, it’s an experiment effort with meter and contradictions using metaphors and symbolism that are both otherworldly and out of this world in the place of conventional attributes that one might use to describe themselves. Being that it’s experimental the end result is always questionable. 🙃 I hope you’re having a wonderful evening and please have a terrific Friday. 💗

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi David, thank you for your wonderful ones and zeros, and U’m super glad you can appreciate the hertz. I hope you can feel the love in the following quote, a humorous look at what is, or what isn’t…

      “LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have NOT taken it.”
      ― Timothy Leary

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Once again, Mia, we must be
        on the same wavelength.
        Timothy only just suggested
        to me that I should blog about
        a particular incident!?
        I reluctantly agreed, but that
        it would have to wait till
        Ruby Tuesday, so she could
        proofread it.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. When I was 9 years old I had surgery on my knees. The pain was intense after the surgery, so they gave me a morphine injection. That first injection gave me a very mellow high that was just delicious. But that feeling only happened after the first injection. All subsequent injections just killed the pain, without the same kind of a high. That experience stuck with me as I could see how people become addicted to just about anything chasing that first high.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m in awe in how you can take so few words to create a flood of thoughts in my mind. This piece felt like diving into a cold, dark lake ~ from the peak of the dive, in flight with your “I am allusion, illusion, a figment of beautiful” to the crisp, rapid descent into the depths below. 🙂 Wishing you a great week ahead, Mia.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Randall, thank you for a wonderfully kind comment on this surreal effort. I adore your thoughts and when I reread your words it feels like the description of a swan dive into the abyss. Wishing you a great week ahead too! I hope Monday has been good to you.
      ~ Mia


  4. An excellent piece of writing Mia. As usual.
    Every time I visited your site recently, all I could see
    was the same post over and over again. A post from 2017. 😐

    Liked by 1 person

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